How to beautify the face  now are manyAlmost every woman wants to look beautiful, so that she will feel confident. Many attempts were made by women to get these beautiful words, despite having to spend thick and may even harm your health and your life. Treatment in the salon, use expensive creams, doing a beauty treatment, even using such an extreme way botok syringe, silicone injections, or injecting white. After doing various things above, to enhance the appearance you would usually use make-up. However, Did you know that it all if done too often can affect your health? Therefore, use only natural way because it is more secure.

How To Beautify Face in Natural without Make-up

Beautiful face is identical to the skin is clean, bright, fresh, and fast. It is the dream of every woman. The use of chemicals and make-up that is too often it can damage the skin and scrape the skin rejuvenation. How to beautify the natural face much better. Here are some things that can be used to beautify your face.
  1. Drinking Jamu Traditional
Traditional herbal medicine such as herbal papaya, herbs turmeric, tamarind regularly every day will be very good for your health and skin. You can obtain this by making traditional herbal medicine alone because it is easy enough, or can buy it at herbalist circumference. How to beautify the face with herbs is a very safe way, and healthy. However, because many do not like the taste of bitter herbs, this is rarely done.
  1. Wearing Masks Bengkoang
How to beautify the face without make-up examination is to mask bengkoang. The fruit is always very well known for the beauty of the face. By using a mask bengkoang regularly, you will get a face bright, clean and fresh. Make a mask bengkoang as a way to beautify the face is very easy, yam peel, wash, then shredded. After that, squeeze as making coconut milk, let stand until precipitate. The results of this sludge is then used as a mask. Do this when the face is clean.
  1. Using Lime

High content of antioxidants in the lemon is very tub for the health of your skin. These antioxidants can shrink pores, treat and eliminate acne, exfoliate dead skin so that faces appear brighter, prevent the appearance of dark spots, and a variety of other skin problems. How to beautify the face  in this way is very easy, just rubbing lemon juice on the face. Do not forget to rinse after settling about 20 minutes.
  1. Wearing Masks Rice Flour
Rice starch contains many substances that are beneficial to remove dead skin cells so that the regeneration of skin cells on the face may occur more quickly. It is of course very good for skin health. How to beautify the face with mashed rice until the rice is fine like flour, then add the olive oil. After that, apply on the face evenly when the face is clean. Allow a few moments then rinse thoroughly.
  1. Injectable Vitamin C
Although this method is less natural, but it is very appropriate to be used as a way to beautify the face quickly. Injectable vitamin C has been done by many people to maintain their beauty.Vitamin C will stimulate growth in the face of dead skin cells, so that faces appear brighter.However, keep in mind is to provide vitamin C should pay attention to the existing dosage. If too much, you'll run the risk of kidney stones. This is because the calcium content of vitamin C is high enough to be buried in the kidneys. Therefore, it is more advisable choose how to beautify the face  with natural ingredients .
It turns out there are many ways to beautify the face without make-up huh? You can choose one of the, if done on a regular basis you will get the natural beauty of your face. Always keep the face and avoid direct exposure to the sun will make an effort you can walk up. Do not forget to maintain the beauty of your heart, so you have a perfect beauty. A few tips from us on  how to beautify the face , may be useful !!