How to Eliminate Scars - In addition to the actual scar removal products you can eliminate old scars naturally. Leather is one of the very sensitive part of the body, thus making the skin should be strictly maintained. But keep skin not as easy as in imagine, because there are always problems that make the skin becomes disturbed. One of the problems of skin that are often experienced the problem of scar. You need to know that scars can occur due to various causes, such as burns, scrapes, surgical scar, and so forth.
Before discussing about how  to remove old scar  naturally you should also be aware that removing scars not as easy back hand because our skin requires a process and a long time to regenerate skin cells. Maybe it's been a lot of scar removal products that you can buy in the market. But for those of you who want to try the natural way, you can take advantage of a variety of natural materials that exist around us.

How to Eliminate Scars

Some of the natural ingredients that have been proven can remove scars among the honey, olive oil, aloe, roses, and so forth. But if you want to apply this way of course, there are ways or steps.Well here are some  ways to eliminate scars  long used natural ingredients that you can try.
1. Honey
Honey has been known since the days of the ancestors, where the function is very diverse and one of them is to overcome the scars, both former from sharp objects, burns and others. The way to overcome the scar with honey is by applying honey on the scars are. Allow 15 to 20 minutes, or you can use it before bed. Do it every day until you get the results you want.
The content of amino acids and ligmin in aloe vera is very helpful to stimulate the growth of new skin cells. How to use it is also very easy, where you can take advantage of the gel contained in aloe vera in a way rub it on the scar. Perform Routinely 2 to 3 times a day, do hold until you get the result.
3. Noni
in the noni fruit compounds that are useful as an anti-inflammatory, besides the fruit also has the ability analgesic, so noni can help regenerate dead skin cells and eliminate them. If you want to use natural ingredients, the way that the noni fruit smoothes and splash it on the scar. Let stand 15 to 20 minutes. Try applying this way 2-3 times a week and do it regularly.
4. Mint leaves
for how to remove stains subsequent scar is to use mint leaves. This method is one way that is effective when applied regularly. The trick, crushed mint leaves first and then smeared on the skin there is a scar. Perform routine, and you will get results.
5. Olive oil
Olive oil is one of the natural oil has many benefits, one of which is to overcome the scars. How, you may rub your scars with olive oil 2 to 3 times a day, do it regularly until the scars are gone. In order to more effectively do massage slowly when you apply the oil.
6. Using cucumber
It is very easy, you can cut a thin cucumber and paste it on the scar you. Besides this way, you can also smooth the cucumber first, after it had applied to the scar. Apply this way at night and let stand until the next morning. Perform routine every day.
If you want to apply one  way of removing scars  naturally Issuer sure to apply it regularly. Also keep in mind that the scar removal is not easy and quick, even scar removal products also takes more than 3 months to eliminate them. Similarly, health tips that I can give on this occasion, may be useful.